Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ali and I ran the Bath Half Marathon! Click to view 1 minute video. OK, no actual running in the video, because I needed the ipod nano for tunes during the race... but shots before and after.

A glorious break in the dark, dank and dreary winter we've been having.
Next time I'll turn the ipod the other way, so the video is wide not tall (dummy!)

Ali had a such a good time, she asked me to sign us up for the Bristol Half. So FOUR half marathons for me this year! Good inspiration to keep the training up!


pathfinder said...

Great video....makes me want to go run...

Mark U. said...

Toni - I enjoyed the video too, and am inspired to do something similar on my next run. Great job!

Stuart said...

Nice job, I've some find memories of days in bath!

Pretty good video for a nano!

The Baker's Oven said...

That's a fun video. I wonder why I'm not getting notifications anymore when you post? Well, I guess I'm not going to lose 50 by 50, but maybe during my 50th year?!? I am, however, starting my master's program on my 50th birthday. The oldest person on the planet starting a master's, I guess. :)